Death, The Endeavor to Endure

Dying as an event doesn’t concern me in the slightest. I already know what that’s like, and what it’s like to return from the void. It’s a welcome and inevitable stage of the forever loop within which I find myself all over again.

I know what is involved with having my Self, the things that make me Me, disappear and have to be rebuilt, of waking up connected to those machines and having no memory. No concept of time. No sense of the Self. No concept of place, presence, preference, or purpose. There were no signals that my brain was going to return, not until my hands frantically tore the hoses from my neck stoma, one hose for sustenance, one tube for oxygen. After that episode my wrists were secured to the hospital bed. So then it was only the mechanistic rise and fall of the respirator, the rushing slushing thump thump of someone’s slow steady pulse tormenting my slowly returning sensory functions.

The first memory I have of walking was of a cellular conflagration. I tried one foot on the ICU floor, clad in warm anti-slip hospital socks, which surely ignited with the searing blue-white flames of a neutron star - or so it felt from every cell contacting the floor who’s signalling lit up the long dormant nervous system bundles traveling upwards through limbs to spine to brain stem and into the hypothalamus. Every sensation was this way for days, weeks, as the mind restructured neural pathways to make sense of its connection to reality. I hated every second of this, I wanted none of this. I just wanted the void, the nothingness.

So then, over the years I’ve lost everything and rebuilt it all over again several times. I lost count of the number of times I’ve woken up from anesthesia, fallen asleep in an MRI machine, felt the caustic burn of radioactive tracer fluid flow from the IV into the furthest reaches of every vein before undergoing one CT scan or another.

I’ve had a 15cm long vacuum-primed needle inserted into my abdomen to remove two liters of clotting blood from internal bleeding. Years prior, without anesthesia, I laid still face down as a cannula needle was inserted through the C5/C6 cervical joint to enervate one nerve inside the spinal column… I was calm, perfectly still, daydreaming of picking wildflowers.

Death in itself is trivial, expected. However, during this most recent cycle I’ve come to an awareness that is challenging to explain, one which surely some religious scripts have attempted and failed and are vastly irrelevant, an awareness which could be described not with words and certainly not with the usual language, so I won’t try to do so here, but something has changed with the tumour growth over these past few years.

What I want is to keep building new memories, not to keep recovering, not to keep rebuilding, but to move forward as I once did. I want to watch the sunrise not from a hospital window, but from the desolate reaches of vast deserts, from a mixed snow and ice ridge with summit cornices looming above, to feel the warmth of the sun’s rays permeating every cell from the surface of the ocean as I dive far below - exploring the reefs once more, but most of all to be capable of living every day without being So Damn Tired.

FreeBSD Articles 2025 Q1 [projektierung]

These are the topics that I’ve been spending time with, on no specific schedule, with no intended intention, often for debugging or optimization, sometimes purely for curiosity, and often in-between other tasks throughout the day and night, so they might as well get some blog posts for discussion. All of the topics have already been written via configs, scripts, list-docs, and automation tooling, but no formal blog posts just yet.

  1. Ongoing sprints in “The EPYC Epic, Desktop Cooling Round III, Software Settings”
  2. An Enterprise Engineering Desktop w/ FreeBSD: hardware, software, configs & optimizations
  3. Terminal Living, Adventures with Shells, and Why I stopped using Bash after 22 years (sh, csh, tcsh, fish, nu, xonsh)
  4. Not the Biggest, nor Smallest: Porridge Bears settle on a heat sink for EPYC cooling
  5. Aerodynamics and Turbulent Efficacy: stfu Supermicro chassis fans
  6. Xorg Always Works: FreeBSD with the Big Three GPU brands, running 4K 240Hz 1000R on AMD, Intel, Nvidia
  7. FreeBSD Performance Analysis: machdep, c-states, turbo, and timecounter shootout
  8. Lazy Cores, Hot Nights: CPU idle algorithm optimization, core pinning, and NUMA balancing

#FreeBSD #Engineering #Linux #Systems #Desktop

💖 Siren Song of the UltraSparc 💖

02:42, awoken to first-morning, 4hrs sleep
02:55, at home office standing desk
02:58, navigate to eBay once more
02:59, search Sparc M7 T7-2 chassis
03:08, begin writing silly poem
03:12, resume eBay search
03:16, distracted by dtrace for tcshrc
03:20, distracted by view of Lake Michigan
03:22, return to Mastodon post-form
03:28, distracted by tcsh config options
03:32, review work emails, updates too
03:44, move poem to 'nb' program
03:50, resume timeline planning for work
04:30, paste to micro-blog, click 'post'

nocturn lucid state of mind, nor-aware
to this living within, this living dream
a call from asunder, singly sweet it rings
t'was on the waves first heard 'n thought seen
thirty-two cores, two-sockets she breathes
.. "come home my love, come rescue me" ..

perhaps one day or night so-soon 'oy-veh!
dare say those waves may calm her songs
an UltraSparc M7, no-more! no-less! yes yes!
to dream of reveling in radiance so pure 'n fast
'naught from those worlds above 'agast

her wrists s'o slight, no strength for grasps
t'was decades ago, burning searing flesh
she spoke no words to jest, nor loving gasps
her scar a wound - a warning forever to last

fünf Buchstaben besagen, the letters extolled
"come down from clouds ne' stray to golds!"
'a singing singeing salaciousness unfolds
"ye' now Icara, auf'dem lofty piercing blue!"
"whence must you crash? no less'n to bruise!"

💟 Den Perfeken Mann 💟

Eight year old Eva used to awaken at all hours of the night, click on a flashlight, and grab whichever book had been maintaining substantial intrigue from the-then present day. It wasn’t that I couldn’t sleep, but that I did not want to sleep, an oft repeating theme into present.

So perhaps it wasn’t insomnia, at least not at that age. Rather a focal-point sensation which permeated the dream state, spanning experiential worlds of ephemera.

In those years no differences persisted more or less relevance to the mind than the other; substantive relevance was maintained insofar as whichever world persisted the all-knowing Vati, that immutable-immeasurable idealized Man. He mattered, and he was only present in one of the worlds.

We spoke on the phone today, and the Sunday prior; a evolving weekly pattern for the past month, which in summation is more total time than the entire previous year. Often on these calls it feels as though nothing has ever changed, my eyes light up just as they did during those early years, and similarly does his voice over the line - sounding exactly the same as in those early years.

I doubt I’ll be able to handle his departure, and so it is only now that I realize it’s been easier to be upset and to carry that emotion around as a buffer space; a misdirection, a protective filter which existed in-stead of coming to terms with the inevitable reality that one day he will no longer be in any of the worlds, that I could lose him all over again, genau wie fraülein im achten Jahr.

Before Death, The Experiences Adventure

Fulfilling one’s “Promises of Adventure” from 1999, one place I’d like to visit and to attend involves seeing an ‘Astral Projection’ dj set performed in the existential-perceptual-wilderness of the Negev desert, southern Israel.

As a former long-term resident of the often bleak Nevada desert landscapes, it was a perpetual joy to explore the ancient remnants of the Great Inland Sea, the expansive sky-islands of the Great Basin Montane Forests, the ultra-hardened remote Salt Flats, as well as the more commonly experienced playa comprised of Alkali Flats in the Black Rock Desert (where Burning Man is held) - one of the largest flat stretches of land in our world - so expansive that it can be easily recognized from the International Space Station.

I’ve always been drawn to the remoteness, the endlessness, as well as an active expression of a functional-inhumanity which pervades every stretch of landscape in those uninhabited realms. I’ve nearly died in these deserts on several occasions over a period of decades, not from lack of preparedness, but simply because these are inhospitable extremes which the human body was never made to survive or endure. From the lesser-known snow storms of its lonely winters to the ripping sun-bleached dehydrated winds of summer, the desert has always felt like home.

The Negev Desert is home to the oldest discovered surface on Earth, at 1.8 million years… it calls to the soul, a yearning which may only temporarily satiate the need for more. I want to touch its ancient landscapes, to persist in nothingness, to lay face up and sleep through its endless night, never again returning alone to/or/from The Voids of death.

A Minor Commentary on SED/Opal Encryption

Data-At-Rest Encryption is a common topic, but one which is often misunderstood. Having led engineering and architectural efforts involved with hardware standards for encryption compliance, including detailed analysis of performance impacts while operating in accordance to service level agreements, here are some bits of discussion on the SED/Opal implementation.


  • SED/Opal TCG spec’d drives are doing just fine. I trust it more than LUKS2 by a long shot.

Detailed Read

I have no issues trusting NAND and SAS firmware for the drive controllers that I’ve personally validated as part of a hardware acquisition process for global fleets which require federally mandated encryption.

Encryption compliance auditing is an involved process, as is the hardware validation process for identifying potential impacts to production storage performance workloads, and then there’s adapting encryption compliance requirements to an org’s procurement and provisioning pipelines, inc supply chain attack mitigations.

All of those concerns apply to hardware shipped outside of the country into export-regulated zones that have tight controls over encryption compliance.

Having been in charge of those workflows necessarily by job role, I can attest that it’s not exactly roses and rabbits and chocolate teddy bears every day of the week during audit season, but it is rigorous and it does create secure data persistence across geopolitical zones and high-risk locales*.

USA Enc Regs


For non-USA regs there are similar standards for modern first-world countries, though I trust the US’s military industrial complex far more than anything from anywhere other than Germany (and to a lesser extent, also Japan).

Exo-Border Encryption IRL

  • My favorite story for that example are systems in several Taiwan datacenters which were seized by the CCP during the past N years. They didn’t want to cut the power, given the facility’s status and criticality, so the systems continued to run unabated until their dead-stage.

Effectively this created a situation of situationally enfoced uptime. As long as any system was online it was fine, but no maintenaces were possible, and any drive failures remained forever-failed as no person was authorized to replace any hardware (even a simple hot-swap drive bay flip). Most of those systems are still online, vastly exceeding any manufacturer specs or expectations of SLA. When shipping sensitive data and secure systems around the world one must expect the worst, and that issue certainly wasn’t the worst, at least the data is still live.

Combat zones are an entirely different thing, and one can look to the Special Forces requirements for their portables to see how encryption standards work during active live-fire scenarios. It’s often not enough to have encrypted drives; there must also be provisions for hot-swap/ejection of the hardware from its chassis, auto self-destruct features, and similar controls which seek to mitigate the less common edge-case concerns (torture, etc).

Original Conversation This conversation began as part of a comment on my Mastodon account:…

💜 To Those Who Know 💜

In recent weeks which have come to pass, unbeknownst and unexpected, currents of turmoil and change appear aligned to quarterly quells of extirpated expectations.

Heart-felt apologies are due for the sustained impact to availability: last-minute flights that changed planned presence at the OpenZFS conference, schedule overlaps on my favorite CFT meetings, and reduced activity on chat/social network presences. Ideally, a successful outcome of the past two week’s “all or nothing” focus, and its associated changes will facilitate settling into a pattern which resolves Q2-Q3’s high-priority disaster-prevention supply-chain table-flipping reaction-based event processing.

So then, the present data-driven life-revision necessitates a relocation of geographic presence for the second time this year. While I was hopeful that the PNW would be more than a near-term solution, the two corner-stones of that expectation have not turned out as originally planned. So, lest one avails to stagnate and risk an early health-expiration, there will soon unfold a new stage of career focus along with a re-introduction to one of the best medical groups in the country (Mayo Clinic). Those two requirements happen to be in Chicago and its adjacent geo-zones of insurance coverage.

Feeling very fortunate at present, and am often reminded that substantial positive change is rarely a singular achievement; so a big thank you to everyone who’s been supportive and caring along the way. Please know that you’re appreciated and I hope to continue the aforementioned endeavors which had made this period in the PNW feel so very welcomed and at peace.

Peculiar Perceptions of Privacy for Public Personas

Please pause this persistent predilection pertaining to periodically passionate patterns of pretentious perceptual processing.

Sometimes thought processes get stuck, disconnected, trailing sinew and silken tissue in tragic agony, alone in the vastness, discarded, forgotten. Language has always felt to these sensibilities as a game; a tangled tale of otherwise tired terms and pithy patterns of phrase, of accents and admonitions, just another mode of expressions to become lost within, an entertainment of the mind otherwise disengaged.

Silly games of phrase aside, what is this about personas? It’s once again for the fourty fifth time come to my attention a simple question which is worth a simple answer. The question goes like this:

“Eva who? Winter… sssh own? Winter–schOEn? Winterschön? Ok. Where did she work before? .. and before that?”

or perhaps more directly,

“Eva who? I thought her name was Madeline.”

Indeed, who indeed. Many in my professional life know my middle name, Madeline… though some prefer Madeleine (like the cookies). I too enjoy those cookies, but I don’t care for my middle name much at all. Nor did I care for it during the years of my maiden name. I also didn’t like those early years when the trauma started, of the family which failed to protect me, and their surname which had to be changed.

I certainly didn’t like having to deal with those later years of having a stalker, of sexual assaults, of the red tape required by a name change, of relocation and another relocation, of new email accounts and licenses and passports and registrations and everything else. Who I was was taken from me by force, not of choice.

Ageless Anthropomorphisms of the Eighties Era

When I was much younger and learning about hardware engineering there was a fun game called, “Anthropomorphization and Personifications”. This was a name which I could barely say, but otherwise which most children would engage in while playing with toys or dolls, except I was playing it with the innards of a IBM 5150 while holding a screwdriver and attempting not o lose any screws.

In this game ​the graphics board, the massive hard drive, floppies, serial and parallel devices, etc.. they had people names and people jobs and they operated the machine when the power was turned on. In my imagination there were little figures going about their day to day, carrying data, pouring bits and bytes through the (cabling/interconnects) plumbing, talking to others, just living their lives. Many entertaining day dreams for a first through whatever grade elementary school aged brain.

Somewhere prior to adulthood I’d have certain “technical conflicts” with broken hardware, and sometimes that hardware needeed to be shown what happens if it doesn’t fulfill its design. Details are irrelevant, but one could imagine a teenage me watching Office Space and rather enjoying the printer scene out in a grass field… oh that resonnated so well, nearly like a re-enactment of my travels to construction sites to drop burnt-out cards or locked-up drives or other hardware from heights or find its otherwise ensured demise by force. After all, it was my moral duty to ensure that no one else could ever be harmed by that equipment ever again, to prevent others of naïveté and youthful innocence from ever having to feel what I had felt. Clearly those inclinations were about more than the broken hardware in my hands, those core components of a dysfunctional machine, but where and when my youth occurred there was no support or awareness of childhood trauma therapy, and parents could not be trusted to avoid the risk of either victim blaming or creating somehow worse problems. So as would be the common endurace, I would manage it myself, alone and in silence.

Someone, some adult, any of them, should have understood what was happening and helped. Perhaps I was too well practiced at remaining silent, guarded, self-reliant, subdued, secretive. Those are learned behaviors, and they are learned not from positive or healthy life events. Perhaps those adults looked into my large blue eyes, set against porcelain skin, rosy-red hued cheeks, and perhaps what they saw was a truth they refused to accept, and so the pleading gaze was brushed off with a common refrain, “you are SO cute! look at those blue eyes, who could say no?” Indeed, how could I have said no when no one listened? Instead, I learned to say nothing at all.

Well, several decades later and those thoughts and truths are most often in the background, perhaps occasionally at the periphery, rarely surfacing until an unrelated recounting of youth unfolds; in this case a story of anthropomorphism in hardware, almost entirely unrelated to trauma from all those years ago. Regardless, PTSD interjects on unmitigated impulse, disrupts dopamine response programming out of the blue, and tries to pull the mind right back to the events to be relived. All methods of prevention and response are temporary. Trauma never truly goes away, even on the best of days, it may only be lived with, coped against, endured.

Returning to the present, that game never really stopped, and when I take apart systems - occasionally ones costing tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars - there are still daydreams and wandering imaginations of similar anthropomorphic events, but certainly they exist in a much more futuristic landscape from the sci-fi retro-future. I no longer retire equipment with the same dedication or passion; or perhaps modern construction sites are simply not as accessible as they once were, their heights no longer able to be explored.

Performance & Regressions -- How Orgs Ship Code to Production

See that image? Right around the mid-section we see a common problem with the manner in which code is shipped to production. That one little section, displayed as a subsection of “build & packaging”, happily named “regression + performance testing”. Whether the product is a user-facing site, or middle-ware component, or baremetal systems which provide cloud resources that we all know and (sometimes) love… the success of the product is gated by an org’s ability to prioritize testing and automations for “Performance XOR Regression” (some orgs consider them inclusive, some consider them separate).

So we see Performance and Regressions visualized as practically a footnote, which is representative of the present landscape: many orgs don’t understand regression at scale vs regression in labs vs regression modeling. Most concerning is that too many orgs fail to provide management directives which involve full Perf+Reg test coverage. Instead, as a result of the lack of understanding, many orgs expect that their engineering teams will miraculously “make time” in their fully allocated and often over-subscribed schedules. That is not possible, and when production suffers, we all suffer. (insert meme with person riding bike, then falling from their own mistakes, wincing in pain on the ground, painfully expressing “Why would the code do this to us?")

Secondly, a common misconception from engineering (eng teams and their management structure) is that Perf/Reg testing exists solely in that one stage. One simple misconception often causes an array of new and unnecessary tech debt, while often concurrently perpetuating existing tech debt.

Ok. So who is not failing at Performance and Regression testing? We can look to the ground-breaking engineering efforts on projects which have defined the human race: Voyager I and II, the J.Webb Space Telescope, CERN’s particle accelerators, and many others. What’s the difference? Time and planning, adhering to standards, routine audits, change controls, and many more.

How about simpler projects? Do they attend to P&R as well as JBL or CERN or Los Alamos? Unfortunately not. Over the course of nearly a quarter century of focus on this and related topics, the strong majority of orgs which I’ve had the pleasure of working at have engaged in “Spectrum Testing” instead of “Binary Testing” when it comes to performance + regression analysis, expecting that half-measures will be sufficient. They are not, and because this area of engineering requires investment of time, people, and hardware, it often becomes a budgetary line item to cross out during the times in which it is most critical. Such is the reality of simple and sometimes willful ignorance. Humans are fallible, expectedly so, but the beautiful thing is that we can change and learn and improve; but how… through awareness, analysis, and iterative adjustment (just like in engineering).

Investing partially, whether fiscally or in human hours, is not sufficient. Planning these elements for success always requires time, hardware, and people: investment and awareness. No one sends a telescope into Lagrange orbit one half-million miles from earth without proper test coverage (this isn’t the Hubble (sorry, sorry, I know it’s not funny)). The reasons are obvious. However, back on terra, faulty and insufficiently tested code can deploy to a hyperscaler’s cloud with sufficient impact that national and global infrastructure goes offline, and that code can ship without a second set of eyes? Yep. It happens, but it does not need to happen. We can expect better, and we should. Engineers and end-users and everyone else deserves better.

Easier said than done, sure, but there are no improvements without intention and action. Orgs must be dedicated to P&R coverage, and they must be receptive to potential improvements and course corrections. It requires management to be aware that “performance” does not imply “efficiency” and vice-versa. Quite simply, gaining any benefits from sufficient test coverage requires that management embrace improvements to “testing culture” within their org, and to ensure that sufficient time/cycles/bandwidth on each engineering team’s schedule is inclusive of engagement with org-wide performance engineering directives.

[1] LinkedIN image reference:…

Remission Requires More Than Medication

Remission is an interesting term in its lexical use.

  • “diminution of force or effects”, c. 1600.
  • “abatement of penalty or punishment”, c. 1736

In the context of those implications and meanings, yes absolutely that’s the impression from the past two months, a surprisingly rapid two months since a second front was opened during the “Hypophysis-Infundibular War”. Well, guess what? The tumour is in remission now.

Why, or how? This is the result of a new medication regimen, a recent geographic relocation, and many iterative improvements within response/activation programming for the Locus-Coeruleus, Substantia Nigra, and various other impossibly beautifully complex brain structures which define a personality.

The simplest expression which captures the reality of this war which has been raging inside for seven continuous years, with one failed front (07'22 - 06'23)..

  • Remission is a cause for and a direct result of “Hypothalamic Mediated Happiness” (HMH)
  • Remission requires a cyclical, self-reinforcing, positive feedback, loop-governed state of “Feeling and experiencing Happiness at its most capacitive level” – a prolonged and elevated experiential state resulting from biochemical-messengers otherwise referred to as ‘Love’.

Overly simplified version:

  • Prolonged existential unhappiness = makes tumour bigger (cyclical, each makes the other worse)
  • Prolonged existential happiness = makes tumour smaller (cyclical, each makes the other better)

Surely it cannot be that simple. Of course, it is not simple but then is the endless striving for love and happiness ever a simple endeavor? Not for me, not in this lifetime. It has been the forever, the endurance, the balance, it is the physiological state of homeostasis which results in cognitive/emotive pleasure as a means to encourage positive actions which keep us alive. Love and happiness keep us going, and so without those - well what’s the point?

So then, happiness is contingent upon dopamine being in balance with the rest of the neuro/endocrine system, otherwise there can be no homeostasis, no balance, no calm or quiet, only turbulence and misery. So then, remission necessarily involves finding ways to maintain cognitive-emotional states where Dopamine is maintained in a balance. This is not a single vector achievement at all.

Maintaining Dopaminergic balance cannot be obtained solely by medication. it must be inclusive of the ways in which we navigate the world, respond to events, and the manner in which our cognitive/apparitional states fluctuate.

During those seven years, non-coincidentally the entire time of being at $corp, the conditions exacerbated tumour growth. During those seven years of providing architecture solutions for global network infrastructure, seven years of investing my cognitive functions at the expense of a simplified notion of happiness, hoping and wanting and being patient for the ship to right the storms… years ago I knew that was a hopeless endeavor. I knew that no true happiness could exist in that place after a certain time, and not only for myself. I was only one woman.. one progressively unhappy woman who could not prevent the events which unfolded for too many others. That feeling of failure never went away, and ‘survivors guilt’ is not a happy place.

Everyone Loves Ansible

Test post. The variable value specifies the vicissitudes of vectorized validity of variablities.