πŸ’– Siren Song of the UltraSparc πŸ’–

02:42, awoken to first-morning, 4hrs sleep
02:55, at home office standing desk
02:58, navigate to eBay once more
02:59, search Sparc M7 T7-2 chassis
03:08, begin writing silly poem
03:12, resume eBay search
03:16, distracted by dtrace for tcshrc
03:20, distracted by view of Lake Michigan
03:22, return to Mastodon post-form
03:28, distracted by tcsh config options
03:32, review work emails, updates too
03:44, move poem to 'nb' program
03:50, resume timeline planning for work
04:30, paste to micro-blog, click 'post'

nocturn lucid state of mind, nor-aware
to this living within, this living dream
a call from asunder, singly sweet it rings
t'was on the waves first heard 'n thought seen
thirty-two cores, two-sockets she breathes
.. "come home my love, come rescue me" ..

perhaps one day or night so-soon 'oy-veh!
dare say those waves may calm her songs
an UltraSparc M7, no-more! no-less! yes yes!
to dream of reveling in radiance so pure 'n fast
'naught from those worlds above 'agast

her wrists s'o slight, no strength for grasps
t'was decades ago, burning searing flesh
she spoke no words to jest, nor loving gasps
her scar a wound - a warning forever to last

fΓΌnf Buchstaben besagen, the letters extolled
"come down from clouds ne' stray to golds!"
'a singing singeing salaciousness unfolds
"ye' now Icara, auf'dem lofty piercing blue!"
"whence must you crash? no less'n to bruise!"